So my dad had the week off work so he decided to clean out one of the spare rooms in our basement. Since we moved we seemed to accumulate more stuff and it was just time to go through it all... Well, he came upon some bags of clothes that belonged to my mom's mom, Nona. There were the most precious outfits in there! My mom and I knew all the clothes in these bags were my Nona's but and instead of just marking the bag for donation to good-will we went though each piece just to get a smile and bring back some memories. We found the cutest tops and I could just picture her in these outfits sitting out front her nursing home, in the sun of course, getting a tan as we pulled up to visit. She was always outside!! They smelt like her too, you could still smell her perfume and it felt as if she was almost with us again. It was such a pleasant memory and an unexpected one as well :)
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