A dog, hands down, is the best running partner. I rotate between Gracie, my puppy nephew Gunner and Jonathan's dog Magglio, but really any dog will do!
Top 5 reasons a dog is the best running partner:
1.) They don't judge you for the pace your running, they just enjoy the run however fast....or slow!
2.) If you need to stop they don't tell you your slacking, they enjoy the rest ...your really walking because the dog is tired anyway right? :)
3.) When you're running you don't have to worry what they are thinking they are happy regardless if you take the long way or the short way back home.
4.) When you are not sure you really want to go for that run, looking at your pup and seeing how excited they get when they see their leash gives you the extra push to get out the door.
5.) When you are on your last leg home and wanna get that extra push your pup always has that extra burst of speed and encourages you to sprint it all the way in!
So go get a dog and go for a run!
but a puppy wont hold your hand crossing the finish line:-)
thats why you're my favorite running partner :)
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