To wish for change will change nothing. To make the decision to take action right now will change everything.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Spending 5 years with the same boy has got me to thinking why I like him and how we made it to the monumental mile stone that is 5 years :) ...

1. We trust each other

2. We have the same hobbies

3. We have different hobbies that we like to share with the other

4. He will watch Biggest Loser with me and I will watch documentaries with him

5. He doesn't mind (too much) that I go to bed early and I don't mind (too much) that he stays up late...and most importantly....

6. When I am insisting on eating ice cream and cookies, he knows when to say "babe do you really what that??? but he also knows when to just come home with a pint of Ben & Jerrys for each of us.
Happy 5!!

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