To wish for change will change nothing. To make the decision to take action right now will change everything.

Monday, March 23, 2009

don't accept unsatisfactory

So I have complained to 2 different establishments this past week due to unsatisfactory experiences.
  • First to Cheeseburger in Paradise for giving my sister and I our first 3 Mojitos made incorrectly they actually served us over $20 in the wrong drink! Also, after telling the waitress it was my sisters birthday, they forgot to sing to her!
  • Second unsatisfactory experience was in Knoxville, TN when Jonathan and I were driving home from FL we stopped to get pizza @ Pizza Hut where one large 2 topping costs us $20! It also looked and tasted like crap-0.
Both establishments got an ear-full from me! My questions is am I turning into an old lady prematurely or just a girl who knows that she wants!?!

1 comment:

TATI said...

Hi Nikki,
Thanks :)That's awesome that you're getting into triathlon! I'
ll be reading your blog too and hope you do great.